How Will Our Planet Accommodate the Mobility Needs of 8 Billion People?

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Addressing the Most Urgent Mobility Issues Facing Today’s Society

Evolving business and social practices and rapid consumption of the earth’s natural resources, further exacerbated by global population growth, are increasing the environmental challenges we face.

As we seek to address these challenges and work toward a decarbonized planet, we also need to develop an efficient, inclusive 360-degree approach which ensures that access to safe, affordable and sustainable mobility is preserved for the vast majority of the world’s 8 billion people.

The Freedom of Mobility Forum’s purpose is to engage everyone wishing to contribute to building and promoting sustainable mobility for all. 

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Highlights from the 2024 Debate

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Key Takeaways

The 2024 debate saw panelists and university students explore potential solutions to protect freedom of movement in a world shaped by dangerous and increasing inequities as we address climate change and resource scarcity.

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Young Perspectives

New for this year’s debate, students from three leading universities challenged the international panelists with their research on three focus areas: technology, social justice and equity, and business.

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Exclusive YouGov Survey

To further fuel fact-based discussion, this year’s debate opened with the results of an exclusive YouGov survey on the appetite for change in mobility habits for respondents across five countries.